Playing sound files
I feature two sound file formats:
RealAudio and .wav

.wav files (Windows format)
Whenever you click on the link to play a .wav file it will take a while for the file to be transferred to your computer. If using certain browsers, a separate little window will open that will just sit there for a while looking like nothing is happening. However the data is actually being transferred to your computer in the background and will eventually start to play. Patience is required, especially for the larger files which could take 5 minutes or longer to transfer. The smaller ones usually do so in a couple of minutes depending on the speed of your modem. Other browsers will ask you if you want to save the file to your computer. If you answer yes, it will be transferred, and then you can click on the file and it will play in your computer's media player.

If your browser displays a little window to play the .wav file, you can still save the file to your computer's hard-disk for playing later. To do that, all you have to do is right-click within the window that has the playing controls. If in Windows, a drop-down menu will appear with an option to save the file. Use the normal file saving process common to this type of Windows menu.

Real-Audio files
This form of sound file is much faster to transfer the required data to your computer. To play one of these files, simply click on the link and if you have the "Real Player" software on your computer system, the file will take a short while to transfer and then will begin to play automatically.

If you don't have the software on your computer, you can click to the little graphic below to take you to their site to download the software.


click your browser's back button
to return to where you were