note - please copy/paste text to here: to translate to your language I have sheltered many lives. I have listened to the sounds of life. I have watched as life was born, grew old, and passed on, and been nourised in it's passing. Always have I yearned to sing of such things... To echo the sounds of birds, the chatter of squirrels gathering my fruits, The laughter of children... as they played beneath my branches. I have heard the sounds of maidens in their happiness of Life. The councils of men as they sat beneath me. I have seen and heard such things as to make my heart soar to the heavens... And that which has made me weep. But always has it been the song of Life. Throughout my time, only as the wind passed through my branches, my leaves... have I lent my voice to be heard. Now, through the ingenuity which you have often showed... I now have the voice of song. You honor me in lending your breath, that I may now rejoice with you. - FVD